Welcome to my first blog post of 2024.

While the Holidays are now a couple of weeks behind us, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of you and your families a truly remarkable and blissful year ahead.

The last few months of 2023 were a very busy time for me. Upon returning to Arizona from Nevada I immediately went into full action mode with the 2023 Hidden in the Hill Show, which was a HUGE success. Thank you to everyone who purchased from me, and everyone who visited. I hope you had a wonderful time on the Tour. Here are a few lovely women modeling their new jewelry. I hope your new pieces make you feel very stylish.

From top left: Lori D., Washington State, Mrs Jim S., Texas, Dee S., Oregon

I have many new pieces in the Available Pieces Gallery here on my website. Click here to see them!

Then it was full speed ahead to create and complete all of the commissioned jewelry and brand pendants that were going to be given as very special and personal Christmas gifts.
From the photos and the comments below, you can see how thrilled the recipients are with their gift.

Mrs S., Kansas, Jennifer H., New York (pendant incorporating Company logo), Kelly C., Arizona


Mr S., from Kansas  who commissioned this Brand Pendant for his wife (in the photo above):

“Absolutely gorgeous I love it ….there’s a chance of making a lot of brownie points with this!”

Jennifer H, New York.  Hart Precision Rifle Barrels

"It is interesting how life puts us in the paths of other people that we just know we would connect with.  To think someone from a small town in upstate NY would find someone on the west coast and collaborate on such a meaningful piece is really cool. I am a life long horse girl and my boyfriend was a dairy farmer his whole life until he sold the cows a few years ago. And your ranching history is so incredible. We really must get together for coffee some day!!! 😊"

Kelley C, Scottsdale, AZ

“It’s awesome.  Love it!”

I’d love to create a custom one of a kind piece just for you. If you have an idea in mind, please contact me and we can get started. Call me at 775-304-6756 or email by clicking here: Kathi89445@yahoo.com