My FaceBook Pages Have Been Hacked

To all my Facebook Followers and Friends,

You may have wondered when you tried to go to my Facebook page and it says "This page isn't available" and you haven’t seen any new posts on my Facebook business or personal pages lately.

A few weeks ago my Facebook pages were hacked.   I know I’m not the first person to have this happen to them, it has probably happened to some of you as well.

It’s not fun and I was horrified!

I’ve worked with a person that has experience in hacked FB pages to try and recover them, but this hacker was sophisticated and it was just not possible.

So, I want to alert all of you that if you receive any messages through Facebook - or any emails from me asking for money, or offering you a fantastic opportunity of any kind, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY, RESPOND OR CLICK ON IT!   It is the hacker using them for his nefarious scheme!

Please keep in mind that I would never ever do anything like that.  I’m hoping that none of my followers have been contacted by him. 

If you do receive any message or email that feels a little “off” and have any questions, could you please contact me and let me know?   I would really appreciate it.

I’ve had to create new pages and I’ve lost so many followers that I would love to get back. 

If you still would like to follow me on Facebook - here are the web address of my new pages.    



I sure hope you do still want to follow me,  I miss you all! 

Here are what the header of my new pages look like, so you can be sure it is really me!!